Email: tsironis@theo.auth.gr

Dr. Christos Tsironis is Prof. (Social Theory of Contemporary Culture and Christianity) at the School of Theology, dep. of Ethics and Sociology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

He teaches courses both in Bachelor and Master’s Degrees (Contemporary Social Theory, Sociology, and Sociology of Tourism, Religious Tourism, Sociology of Christianity, and Epistemology

of Diversity).

He is a Fellow of CHS-CCS, Harvard University 2018-19 in Comparative Cultural Studies in Greece.

Ηe is in charge of the practicum in the Dep. Of Theology and member of various scientific Associations, coordinator and board member of research projects and member of a variety of experts groups: Board member of the European Research Centre of Silk Road, Board Member of the Post Graduate Prog. Tourism and Local Development (Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki, school of Economics) and served as Board member of the Hellenic Observatory for Intercultural Education. Member of the International Working Group TRG Peacebuilding & Reconciliation of CEC and Member of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Committee “International Education Programmes”. Director and founding member of the “Social Research Center for Religion and Culture”, and of the “Laboratory of Bioethics” in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Member of the scientific committee in the CEC’s international third Summer School on Human Rights, “Stand Up For Women’s And Children’s Rights’’ and local coordinator of the XXX Annual Meeting of AIESC “Beyond ecology – the Integral Ecology as the new road to reconciliation” over the last two years.

He has published on Contemporary Social Theory, Cultural, Religious and Polymorphic Tourism, Social Problems, Sociology of Christianity, Humanities, Ethics and sustainable development etc in national and international scientific journals.



 Expert panels/advisory boards/ Editing and reviewing

– Board Member of the European Research Centre of Silk Road

– Board Member of the Post Grad. Prog. Tourism and Local Development

-Board Member of the Hellenic Observatory for Intercultural Education (served 20xx- 20xx)

-Member of the International Working Group TRG Peacebuilding & Reconciliation of CEC (served 20xx- 20xx)

– Consultant of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in the Forum of Dialogue between

the Orthodox Churches in Europe and the Council  of European Bishop’s Conferences of Roman

Catholic Church (CCEE) (F. III- V, 2012 till today)

– Editorial board member and reviewer for Greek and international Academic Journals





Teaching Modules: 

BSc: Polymorphic Touristic Development and Religious Tourism, Social Theory and Modern Culture, Sociology,

Sociology of Education, Sociology of Christianity 

MSc: Contemporary Social Theory, Social Theories and Cultural/ Religious Diversity, Epistemology of Diversity, 

Participation in national and international seminars and conferences on tourism 



Msc Dissertations: More than 17 Msc Dissertations (member of the supervising committee in around 50) 

PHD Dissertations: Currently supervising 4 PhD students (member of the supervising committee in around 25 Dissertations) 

Research Interests


  • Social Theory
  • Sociology of religion
  • Sociology of Christianity
  • Sociology of Tourism
  • Social Theory – Climate Change
  • Social Theory – AI
  • Ethics, Morality, and philosophical/ political ethos
  • Religious and secular spheres in Tourism, Education, politics, and in everyday life